Polymers, Materials and Energy

Faculty Researchers

Polymers, Materials and Energy research programs seek to understand how to design novel materials for discovery, development and structure/property optimization in clean and renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, sustainable technology and nanobiotechnology applications. Both natural and synthetic polymers and novel materials are exploited while using a wide range of experimental and computational methods. Research projects focus on gaining fundamental insights on the interplay between material structure, function and properties in tailoring and predicting the properties of the materials. Examples of research projects include fuel cell membrane polymers, bio-sourced renewable polymers, 3D printing of polymers, light harvesting materials and mechanistic aspects of solar cells, designing of bio-inspired artificial photosynthetic devices for solar fuels production through water oxidation and CO2 reduction, processing and assembly of nanostructured composite materials, and data-driven machine-learning for the prediction of material properties. 

Related Centers

  • New York State Center for Polymer Synthesis
  • Baruch ’60 Center for Biochemical Solar Energy Research
  • Rensselaer Exploratory Center for Cheminformatics Research
  • Center for Future Energy Systems
  • Center for Materials, Devices and Integrated Systems
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