Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

Faculty Researchers

Physical and Inorganic Chemistry research programs seek to understand physicochemical properties of substances from the atomic and molecular level to macroscopic scale. Faculty employ advanced spectroscopic, computational, synthetic, and characterization methods to address problems in solar energy conversion and artificial photosynthesis, nanomaterial self-assembly and medical imaging, non-linear optics, and chemical instrumentation, among others. Research projects include synthesis/fabrication, characterization, and computational modeling of molecular catalysts for artificial photosynthesis (water oxidation and CO2 fixation), thin film materials for molecular based solar cells, nanoparticle-based inorganic oxide intravascular X-ray/CT contrast agents, atmospheric‐pressure plasma ionization sources for mass spectroscopy, structure and orientation of liquid and solid surfaces and surface films, advanced solids NMR and multi-frequency multi-dimensional pulsed EPR spectroscopy methods to study solar energy conversion in natural and artificial photosynthetic systems, multiphase polymer materials, and 3D printing of plastics. 

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