Andrea Mitchell

First-year Graduate Student

Andrea Mitchell

I chose RPI due to the sense that I belonged among the student body. What I didn’t expect when I came to the school was to be presented with a multitude of opportunities from the faculty in the chemistry department. These include not only the opportunity to conduct research, to work alongside other undergraduate and graduate students in the lab, but further the opportunity to mentor freshman that are taking General Chemistry through the I-PERSIST Mentoring program. In addition to this, I’m also what has been termed a “demo diva”, in which I carry out demos in the general chemistry lectures with a group of other undergrads. I think the best part of this has just been the ability to have fun with my peers while also giving the students a visual of what they are learning about in lecture (and lighting things on fire of course). Outside of this I’ve also been involved in the school’s chemistry club, chem honors society, and 8th Wonder, a dance club on campus. These clubs have not only given me leadership opportunities, but a sense of community on campus. Overall, the chem department has not only given me a good education and allowed me to pursue my passions in chemistry, but has given me much more than what I would have imagined when I decided to commit to the school.

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